Deoxidized copper
Deoxidized copper and alloys
Deoxidizing metal
Dephosphorization of aluminum alloys by cadmium
Deposition of copper values
Desalination process using thermally regenerable resins
Desorption of gold from activated carbon
Desulfurization iron oxide pellets
Desulphurization of nickel containing mattes
Detinning of tinned iron scrap
Detinning of tinned iron scrap
Device and method for removing dross from a vessel of molten...
Device for eliminating oversize pellets from balling disks
Device for filtering and adding grain refining agent to...
Device for injecting a treatment gas into a molten metal
Device for introducing gas into molten metal
Device for vacuum refining of molten metal
Devices and apparatus for injecting gas into high...
Dewatering aqueous suspensions of predominantly organic...
Dewatering mineral ore concentrates with polyethoxylated...