Filtration apparatus
Filtration device for filtering molten metal
Filtration of molten material
Filtration of molten metal
Fine material granulating apparatus
Fire assay flux composition for the analysis of pgm and gold...
Fire refining of copper
Fire refining of nickel-containing metallurgical...
Fire refining precious metals assay method
Fire refining process of copper
Fired iron-ore pellets having at least two different...
Fired iron-ore pellets having macro pores and process for...
Flame smelting and refining of copper
Flash smelting in confined space
Flat-set copper shape production
Flocculation of acid leach slurries
Flocculation of hematitic ores with acrylic acid polymer
Flotation machine
Flotation of gold, gold bearing minerals and uranium oxides...
Flotation of sulphide minerals from sulphide bearing ores