Creep resistant titanium aluminide alloy
Creep resistant zinc-aluminum based casting alloy
Creep resisting aluminum alloy with improved resistance to...
Creep, stress rupture and hold-time fatigue crack resistant...
Creep-resistant ferritic steel
Creep-resistant magnesium alloy
Crushable low reactivity nickel-base magnesium additive
Crushing bodies forged from steel and a process for...
Crystallographically textured metal substrate,...
Cu-based alloy and method of manufacturing high strength and...
Cu-based cermet for high-temperature fuel cell
Cu-ni-si-co copper alloy for electronic materials and method...
Cu-ni-si-co-cr based copper alloy for electronic material...
Cu-zn-sn-bi alloys
Cubic boron nitride sintered body
Cutting blades made of or coated with an amorphous metal
Cutting tool
Cylinder head and motor block castings
Cylindrical tube for industrial chemical installations