Ignition hood with swirl combustion chamber
Ilmenite beneficiation with fec13
Ilmenite oxidation in a carbon-containing fluidized bed
Ilmenite processing using cold milling
Immobilised extractants
Immobilized bioreactor system for sulphidic minerals and...
Impact resistant polishalbe and acid resistant stainless steel
Impellar for dispersing gas into molten metal
Implant for surgical or dental use
Improved alloy and anode for use in the electrowinning of...
Improved aluminium alloy
Improved aluminum alloy-boron carbide composite material
Improved aluminum-copper alloys containing vanadium
Improved aluminum-copper-lithium alloys
Improved apparatus and process for separating aluminium from...
Improved bacterial oxidation of sulphide ores and concentrates
Improved bacterial oxidation of sulphide ores and concentrates
Improved base metal recovery process from heap leaching
Improved cast alloys
Improved cast iron for vehicle brakes