Fabric reinforced composite membrane
Facility and process for electrolytic dissolution by...
Facility to loosen off the layers deposited upon cathodes
Falling bed cathode cell for metal electrowinning
Ferro-cobalt production
Flat anode having low waste coefficient
Floating cathodic elements based on refractory...
Flow control baffles for molten salt electrolysis
Flowing ionizable gases along exposed edge of catalytic...
Flowing molten metal out of electrode space with...
Flue gas cooling and cleaning system
Fluid bed system for cooling hot spent anode butts
Fluid sheated electrode lead for use in a corrosive environment
Fluidizable pulverulent material regulated distribution device
Fluidized-bed electrode system
Fluidized-bed electrode system utilizing embedded insulator...
Forming crust in electrolysis of salt charge of aluminium...
Forming slots in soderberg anodes
Frame for supporting and treating spent electrical...