Transfer and insulation device for electrolysis
Transfer of electrolytic starting sheets from horizontal to...
Transverse conveyor for electrodes
Treated carbon cathodes for aluminium production
Treated carbon or carbon-based cathodic components of...
Treating cement copper cake by acid leach and caustic leach...
Treating prebaked carbon anodes for aluminium production
Treatment of aluminium reduction cell linings
Treatment of copper iron sulfides
Treatment of leach liquors
Treatment of lead-zinc sulphide ores, mattes and the like
Treatment of zinc bearing ores
Treatment of zinc-lead sulphide ores, mattes, etc.
Two-stage pressure leaching process for zinc and iron...
Ultrastable anodes for aluminum production cells
Use of materials in molten salt electrolysis
Use of nonionic surfactants in metal extraction by electrolysis
Use, process and apparatus for electrolytically recovering...
Utilisation of oxygen evolving anode for hall-heroult cells...
Ventilation system for electrolytic cell