Protective shield for smoothing irons
Proteinized hosiery
Providing a rechargeable halogen-binding fabric to customers
Pseudo-distillation method for purifying a dry cleaning solvent
Ptfe ironing board cover for applique
Puff iron for pressing machines
Puffing process
Pulley drive system
Pulley system for automatic washer
Pulsator mechanism for washing machines
Pulsator wash system
Pulse heating methods and apparatus for printing and dyeing
Pulverizable and readily soluble brightening agents
Pulverulent chlorine dioxide compositions
Pulverulent dye preparations, a process for their...
Pump and spray or surge function selector valve for an...
Pump cycling control system for a washing machine
Pump mechanism for washing machines
Pump motor/basket brake for an automatic washer
Pump mounting for an automatic washer