Ultrasonic separation apparatus
Ultraviolet protective fabric
Ultraviolet ray (uv) blocking textile containing particles
Ultraviolet-resistant fabrics and methods for making them
Unbalance detection system for a washing machine
Unbalance preventing arrangement of the drum of a clothes...
Unbalance prevention for an electromechanical machine
Unbalance switch for centrifugal extractors
Unbalanced load detection system and method for a household...
Uni-directional pump for automatic washer with recirculating...
Unidirectional agitation accessory for automatic washer
Uniform delivery of compositions
Uniform ethylene/vinyl acetate/n-methylol acrylamide terpolymer
Union dyeing
Universal control console
Universal dispenser for dispensing of laundry additives...
Universal ironing press
Universal washing machine outlet box
Urea-formaldehyde treated textiles
Ureas, process of treating textiles, and improved textiles