Pin tenter clamp
Pivotable panel for clothes dryer drum
Plant for squeezing yarn skeins and process therefor
Plasma treatment process of antiballistic materials
Plastic floor covering and method for obtaining same
Plastic steam iron
Plastic washtub
Pleating of sheet and textile materials
Plural tank textile web treating apparatus
Pneumatic control system and method and parts therefor or...
Pneumatically driven wringer for use on an open barrel
Pollution-free apparatus and process for removing soil from...
Poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymer ionomers, their preparation...
Poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymer ionomers, their preparation...
Poly(vinyl alcohol) copolymer sizes having high capacity to...
Poly-n,n-ethylene ureas
Polyacrylonitrile dyeing process
Polyalkylene oxide lubricants of improved oxidative stability
Polyalkyleneimine or polyallylamine coated material
Polyamide dyeing process utilizing controlled dye addition