Radiation inspection system for a material making apparatus...
Recovery of water and solids in a paper mill
Rectifier roll support
Reduced surface energy limiting orifice drying medium,...
Reduced wear suction box cover for dewatering device
Regulating apparatus for dewatering machines
Regulation system in a paper machine for controlling...
Reinforced polyurethane blanket for extended nip press
Reinforced press jacket for a press unit for the treatment...
Reinforced sleeve for a paper machine
Reinforced stitched seam for high-tensile woven fabrics
Reinforcement of coated surfaces of lnp belts
Remote control apparatus
Removable shower strip for a papermaking machine
Resin-impregnated belt for application on papermaking...
Resin-impregnated belt having a texturized outer surface for...
Rib construction for a draining device in a paper machine