Aqueous pigment slurries, method of producing them and their...
Aqueous pigment suspensions based on alkyl (meth)acrylates...
Aqueous polyaminoamide and surfactant composition for...
Aqueous polymeric emulsion compositions and their use for...
Aqueous silica-containing composition and process for...
Aqueous silica-containing composition and process for...
Aqueous sizing compositions
Aqueous solutions of fluorescent whitening agents
Aqueous solutions of optical brighteners
Aqueous suspension
Aqueous suspension providing a high degree of opacity paper
Aqueous suspensions of fine-particulate fillers, method for...
Aqueous suspensions of mineral materials and their uses
Aqueous suspensions of poly(ethylene oxide) useful as...
Aragonitic precipitated calcium carbonate pigment for...
Aramid paper blend
Aramid papers of improved solvent resistance and...
Archival aperture card
Archival aperture card
Archival preservation coatings and adhesives