Yarns, particularly yarns incorporating recycled material,...
Yellow methine dyes
Yellow styryl dyes for polyester
Yellow, orange and scarlet disazo dyes
Yieldable support for bobbin tips
Zein precipitation
Zeolite dispersion
Zero degree belted tires, and high "soft stretch"...
Zero discharge mill distillation, salt recovery, and water...
Zero discharge pulp mill
Zero twist yarn of organic fibers
Zig zag sewing machine
Zig-zag sewing machine
Zig-zag sewing machine
Zig-zag sewing machine
Zig-zag sewing machine
Zigzag stitch sewing machine
Zip fasteners made of polyester monofilaments
Zirconium flame-resist treatment
Zirconium oxide fibers and process for their preparation