Device and method for redirecting a leakage current
Device and method for service-life monitoring
Device for a non-hermetic seal
Device for adjusting intake air for a centripetal compressor
Device for adjusting the centredness of a synchronizing ring...
Device for adjusting the centring of a synchronization ring...
Device for attaching a stationary blade in a turbine engine...
Device for attaching a turbine distributor, turbine...
Device for attaching hammer clamp blades, associated...
Device for axial support of spacer area for panel of a...
Device for balancing a rotating part, particularly of a...
Device for controlling air flow in a turbine blade
Device for controlling clearance in a gas turbine
Device for controlling the cooling flows of gas turbines
Device for controlling variable-setting blades in a turbine...
Device for cooling turbine disks
Device for diverting and retaining aircraft engine debris
Device for fastening a moving blade onto a turbine rotor...
Device for fastening ring sectors around a turbine wheel of...
Device for fastening ring sectors on a turbine housing of a...