Labyrinth disk with built-in stiffener for turbomachine rotor
Labyrinth gasket device for gas turbine engine
Lamellar seal for a turbo machine
Lashing and damping arrangement for rotating turbine blades
Lateral deflection interblade platform for a turbojet blade...
Layout for air-bleed systems, compressor stage comprising...
Layup of composite fan blades/vanes
Leading edge of a turbine engine part made of superelastic...
Leaf seal for turbomachine
Leakage control structure
Leaned deswirl vanes behind a centrifugal compressor in a...
Lightened axial compressor rotor
Lightened interblade platform for a turbojet blade support disk
Lightweight annular interturbine duct
Lightweight cast inner diameter vane shroud for variable...
Lightweight engine turbine bearing support assembly for...
Lined corrosion resistant pump
Liner aft end support mechanisms and spring loaded liner...
Linked manufacturable, non-plugging microcircuits
Linking arrangement of a turbine stator ring to a support strut