Method and apparatus for utilising fugitive gases as a...
Method and apparatus for vibration cleaning of workpieces...
Method and apparatus for wastegating turbocharged engine...
Method and apparatus using proportional residual gas storage...
Method and combusting fuel in an internal combustion engine...
Method and device for converting heat into work
Method and device for improving the operation of a...
Method and device for increasing the torque of a...
Method and device for producing compressed air and for...
Method and device to improve the performance of a...
Method and system for operating automotive internal...
Method for carbonaceous deposit removal and for reducing...
Method for controlling machine piston movement, implementing...
Method for cooling an internal combustion engine having...
Method for cooling an internal combustion engine having...
Method for determining an angle of crank arrangement in a...
Method for heat recovery from internal combustion engines...
Method for improving the combustion efficiency of...
Method for increasing the thermal efficiency of the internal...
Method for lubricating two-cycle internal combustion engine