System for cooling and adjusting the temperature of...
System for defrosting the leading edge sheath of an air...
System for deicing the leading edge of a nose inlet cowl for...
System for detecting abnormality in fuel feed control system...
System for detecting fuel injection timing
System for engine restart following complete inflight engine...
System for engine torque control
System for fixing the stator nozzles to a power turbine casing
System for generating electrical energy utilizing combined...
System for heat recovery for combustion machine including...
System for heating fuel oil
System for improving combustion efficiency
System for improving combustion in an internal combustion...
System for improving engine performance and reducing emissions
System for improving fuel utilization
System for improving the fuel efficiency of an engine
System for indicating, recording, and evaluating driving...
System for infrared emission suppression (sires)
System for liquid cooling of a rotor of a rotary mechanism
System for metering a fuel supply