Sliding vane type rotary compressor
Sludge reactor pump for simultaneously conveying solids,...
Smoothly-operating rotary fluid machine
Sound and vibration absorbing damper
Speed control for compressors
Spherical piston machine
Spherical rotary pump
Spiral vacuum pump
Spur gear with epi-cycloidal and hypo-cycloidal tooth shapes
Stabilization ring and seal clearance for a scroll compressor
Stack-up pump assembly
Stator casing for eccentric worm pumps
Stator for an eccentric screw pump or an eccentric worm...
Stator for an eccentric screw pump or an eccentric worm...
Stator for an eccentric screw pump or an eccentric worm...
Stator for an eccentric single-rotor screw pump and method...
Stator system
Steam engine
Stepped annular intermediate pressure chamber for axial...
Stepping type unloading system for helical screw rotary...