Damper plate sealing mechanism
Decoupled shaft seal for a progressive cavity pump stuffing box
Deformable combustion seal ring
Deformable composite seal for bearing surfaces with a great...
Deformable metallic member, especially for a static seal
Deformable seal for rotary mechanism
Deformation process for producing stress relieved...
Demountable insertion joint, and method for the sealed...
Demountable seal assembly
Demountable side lug mounting for precision piston and...
Densified convolute gasket structure
Device comprising a liquid-supported diaphragm seal
Device comprising a liquid-supported rolling diaphragm seal
Device comprising a relatively movable rod and surrounding...
Device for and method of temporarily sealing and supporting...
Device for confining a liquid phase between a wall and a...
Device for connecting a line on to a container and container...
Device for fitting a seal
Device for installing seals
Device for introducing motion into a sealed instrument