Device and method for sealing a junction between a main pipe...
Device and method for the plugging of services in conduits
Device and method for the towing of underwater pipelines
Device and method of providing a relative and controlled...
Device and process for non-contacting determination of a...
Device and process for unrolling flexible tubular conduits...
Device for a coupling unit having connectable and...
Device for a tensile locking of pipe elements
Device for anchoring a flexible tubular system on a rigid...
Device for anchoring a hose system to a rigid shoulder by...
Device for and method of internal pipeline protection
Device for applying a fluid processing agent to a strip of...
Device for applying an upward force to a body and method of...
Device for attaching thin walled pipes
Device for attachment of a resilient and/or flexible tube...
Device for attachment to a wall or other partition
Device for burying rigid wall pipe
Device for cable management
Device for carrying equipment through a conduit and method...
Device for carrying flexible cables or pipes from a fixed...