Electrically commutated, variable speed compressor control...
Electrically controlled plumbing fixture of a hot and cold...
Electromagnetic wave-activated sorption refrigeration system
Electronic capacity control of direct expansion...
Electronic component cooling system for an air-cooled chiller
Electronic controlled expansion valve
Electronic defrost controller with fan delay and drip time...
Electronic evaporator dryer for eliminating odors in vehicle...
Electronic message center for a refrigerator
Electronic refrigeration control system
Electronic safety control system for vehicle compressors
Electrothermal inlet ice protection system
Element having a double heat transfer function for...
Elevated pressure air separation cycles with liquid production
Elevated pressure air separation process with use of waste...
Elevated pressure liquefier
Elongated adsorbent unit with external fluid communication...
Emergency refrigerant containment and alarm system apparatus...
Encapsulated cantilever refrigerator shelf
Encapsulated refrigerator