Revolving grate cooler for cooling of clinker or similar...
Robot tapping electrode for electric arc furnaces
Rod-anchored, accordion-fold, full-lining module
Roller and rotational driving device
Roller cleaning system
Rolling body for a rotary drum and rotary drum with a...
Roof and wall structures more particularly of heat enclosures
Roof assembly for an electric arc furnace
Roof assembly for an electric arc furnace
Roof for arc furnace
Roof for covered electric smelting furnaces
Roof jet
Roof jets
Rotary apparatus for treatment of molten metals
Rotary cement kiln lining brick
Rotary cement kiln lining brick
Rotary electric field fluid stirring apparatus
Rotary kiln apparatus with suspension preheater having...
Rotary sliding closure unit and liquid melt container...
Rotary sliding gate valve for a metallurgical vessel and a...