Fabricated steel lifter for rotary kiln
Fabricated tuyere
Facility for producting molten metal in an electric furnace
Feed device for a shaft furnace
Feed of material to fluidised beds
Feedback control system for the impedance control of an...
Feeding and distributing device for rotary platforms,...
Feeding apparatus for uniflow regenerative shaft furnaces...
Feeding arrangement for an electric furnace having a tubular...
Feeding device for a belt-type sintering machine
Feeding device for low shaft furnaces
Feeding furnaces
Feeding ores or concentrates to smelting furnaces
Fiber pipe protection for water cooled pipes in reheat furnaces
Filament winding apparatus
Filtering system
Fine particulate feed system for fluidized bed furnace
Fire brick for a rotary kiln
Fire proof gas permeable structural unit
Fireproof cladding in the transfer line of a gasifier to the...