Safety device for electric furnace electrodes in a steel plant
Safety device for ladle cover
Sagger furnace
Sampling and/or measuring apparatus for immersion in molten...
Satellite cooler for a rotary tubular furnace
Scrap charging machine for converters
Scrap metal preheating apparatus and method
Scrap preheater modulator roof assembly
Scrap preheating system
Scrap preheating system
Scrap treatment
Screw conveyor for feeding lime sludge or cement to a lime...
Scrubber for fluid coker unit
Seal assembly and method for providing a seal in a rotary kiln
Sealed and zone rotary grate convection solids processing...
Sealed rotary hearth furnace
Sealing apparatus for a slag door of a metallurgical furnace
Sealing apparatus for sintering machine
Sealing device for sinter cooler