High-resolution digital seismic and gravity sensor and method
High-resolution high-speed nmr well logging device
High-resolution tracking of industrial process materials...
Hiline interference elimination apparatus
Horizontal and vertical receiver-consistent deconvolution...
Horizontal boring pipe penetration detection system and method
Horizontal gradiant electromagnetometer
Horizontal loop electromagnetic prospecting system
Human feedback using parasitic power harvesting of rfid tags
Human-portable geophysical energy source
Hybrid stratigraphic layering using pseudo-wheeler space
Hydraulic fracture analysis method
Hydroacoustic oscillator
Hydroacoustic ranging system
Hydrocarbon detection utilizing neutron borehole measurements
Hydrocarbon detection with passive seismic data
Hydrocarbon edge detection using seismic amplitude
Hydrocarbon prospecting method and apparatus for the...
Hydrocarbon reservoir simulation
Hydrocarbon reservoir testing