Dry optical fiber cable for telecommunications
Dual (confocal and interferometric) technology optical...
Dual axis retroreflective articles
Dual beam optic with dichroic filter
Dual core photonic crystal fibers (pcf) with special...
Dual coupler fiber optic recirculating memory
Dual field-of-view optical imaging system with dual focus lens
Dual grating light filtering system
Dual groove set retroreflective cube corner article and...
Dual grooved fresnel lens for overhead projection
Dual liquid-crystal wavelength-selective optical switch
Dual mode image engine
Dual mode light emitting diode/detector diode for optical...
Dual optical switch
Dual orientation retroreflective sheeting
Dual paraboloid reflector and dual ellipsoid reflector...
Dual plate manually settable bistable indication device
Dual purpose input electrode structure for miocs...
Dual quad flexure scanner
Dual stage deformable mirror