Four mirror euv projection optics
Four polarization maintaining optical fiber ferrule and...
Four-port optical filter fabricated from tapered optical fiber
Fourier plane recursive optical filter
Fourier transform holographic storage and retrieval system
Fractional cladding for optical fibers
Frame assembly for supporting illuminated transparency viewers
Frame for optical fiber distribution and management, and...
Free form lens with refractive index variations
Free-form condenser optic
Free-space optical signal switch arrangement
Free-space optical systems for wavelength switching and...
Free-space wavelength routing systems with interleaved channels
Frequency dependent optical isolator
Frequency doubling polymeric waveguide
Frequency routing device having a spatially filtered optical...
Frequency selective light coupling and decoupling device
Frequency separating/mixing device for guided optical waves
Frequency-addressing matrix routing head for light beams
Fresnel lens