Randomly pixellated optical component, its fabrication...
Reality mediator for the prevention of theft of visual...
Rear-view mirror for attachment to eyeglasses and cap brimes
Recessed hinge to make the temples of spectacles elastic
Refractive index gradient lens
Removable screens for spectacles
Renewable nose pad for spectacles
Residual accomodation threshold for correction of presbyopia...
Resilient hinge for eyeglasses
Resin ophthalmic lenses having a prismatic segment
Retractable eyewear retaining strap assembly
Rheostat for telephonic instruments
Rigid gas permeable lenses
Rim for eyeglasses and spectacles
Rimless eyeglasses
Rimless eyeglasses
Rimless eyewear
Rimless spectacles and method for making same
Rimless spectacles with sides of essentially filamentary...
Rotatable lens eyeglasses