System and method for user selection of fraud detection rules
System and method for using existing prepaid card systems...
System and method for verifying optical code reads and rfid...
System and method including partial pre-programming of rfid...
System and method of bar code error detection in large...
System and method of extending communications with the...
System and method of gesture feature recognition
System and method of improving the signal to noise ratio of...
System and method of reading a security clearance card
System and method of utilizing a machine readable medical...
System and method to provision a mobile device
System and method using magnetic strip cards as substitute...
System and methods for analyzing tooth shades
System and methods of acquisition, analysis and...
System and process for detecting, tracking and counting...
System and process for non-real-time video-based human...
System and process for simultaneously reading multiple forms
System for acquiring in situ information relative to a power...
System for addressing envelopes
System for assessing the efficacy of stored red blood cells...