Possibilistic expert systems and process control utilizing...
Predicting continuous positive airway pressure titration...
Process and system for developing a predictive model
Process and system for guiding a decision-making process in...
Process and system for tuning the interconnection strengths...
Production optimizer for supply chain management
Production rule matching mechanism and inference mover for...
Protein modeling tools
Quantum bit with a multi-terminal junction and loop with a...
Quantum computing h/w and s/w and artificial intelligence
Quantum computing integrated development environment
Quantum processing system for a superconducting phase qubit
Qubit state copying
Qubit using a josephson junction between s-wave and d-wave...
Real-time spatio-temporal coherence estimation for...
Resonant controlled qubit system
Rule-driven guidance and feedback system
Search engine and methodology, particularly applicable to...
Self adaptive hierarchical target identification and...
Software tool for heuristic search methods