Vacuum duct for electric current conductors
Vanadium-based superconducting metallic oxides
Vapor proof high speed communications cable and method of...
Vapor-cooled terminal-bushings for oil-type circuit-...
Variable pitch-type cable core twister
Varied wire insulation using both foamed and unfoamed sections
Varistor material and process for production therefor
Varistor with tetragonal antimony zinc oxide additive
Vegetable oil based dielectric coolant
Vegetable oil dielectric fluid composition
Vegetable oil of high dielectric purity, method for...
Vegetable seed oil insulating fluid
Vehicle for thick film resistors fireable in monoxidizing...
Vehicles comprising dibutyl carbitol
Ventilation valve for a mold in producing insulators
Vertically aligned gas-insulated transmission line having...
Vibration resistant cable
Vibration resistant overhead electrical cable
Viscous insulating liquid for electrical connectors and cables
Vitreous enamel material for electrical resistors and method...