Bobbin for a magnetic sensor
Bobbin for an encapsulated coil of a solenoid assembly
Bobbin with integral support tabs
Bobbin with strain relief
Bobbinless coil and method of manufacturing the same
Bonded amorphous metal electromagnetic components
Bonded rare earth magnet and a process for manufacturing the...
Bonded rare earth-iron magnets
Bonding agent for cobalt-rare earth alloy magnets and composite
Bubble deflector for vapor cooled transformers
Bubble domain devices using garnet materials with single...
Bubble domain system
Bulk amorphous metal magnetic components
Bulk metallic glass motor and transformer parts and method...
Bulk stamped amorphous metal magnetic component
Bushing connector
Bushing well assembly
Bushing well for instrument transformers and transformers...
Buzzer construction and method of adjusting the same