Anisotropic shell loading of high power helix traveling wave...
Annealed carbon soot field emitters and field emitter...
Annular dosing capsule for electric discharge lamp and...
Anode shape of the diode electron gun in television camera tube
Anode tube for high voltage ionic valves
Anti-blister circuit
Anti-glare screen with electromagnetic interference rejection
Anti-reflective coating for a crt having first and second...
Anti-retroviral analysis by mass spectrometry
Anti-skidding device
Antifriction process and product
Antiparallax mapping device
Aperture mask and screening process for color cathode-ray tube
Aperture mask support for color television tube
Aperture masks
Aperture system for radiation sources situated in parallel...
Apertured electron-absorbing layer on screen of cathode ray...
Apertured mask
Apertured metal plate mask for colour selection in colour...
Apertured-mask cathode-ray tube having half-tone array of...