Apparatus and method for generating soft x-ray lasing action...
Apparatus and method for laser bias and modulation control
Apparatus and method for laser processing a material
Apparatus and method for measurement of dynamic laser signals
Apparatus and method for narrowing the pulse width and...
Apparatus and method for precisely wavelength-tuning single...
Apparatus and method for processing fiber optic rotation...
Apparatus and method for pumping a laser gas
Apparatus and method for replenishing laser dye solution
Apparatus and method for separating memory and control...
Apparatus and method for uniform ionization of high pressure...
Apparatus and method for utilization of a high-speed optical...
Apparatus and method providing a balancing load to a laser...
Apparatus comprising raman-active optical fiber
Apparatus for automatic machining of workpieces by laser beam
Apparatus for controlling laser penetration depth
Apparatus for controlling the compositions of a laser gas or...
Apparatus for efficient, more uniform high power excitation...
Apparatus for four side transverse illumination of a region
Apparatus for generating a comb of optical teeth of...