Dark pulse generation
Dc excitation of high pressure gas lasers
Dc excitation of high pressure gas lasers
Decoupled dual-beam control system
Deep blue microlaser
Deep red laser
Depolarized laser sources
Depolarized solid-state diode-pumped laser
Deposition of power in a moving gas stream by electric...
Determination of the frequency of laser radiation
Device and method for a laser blocked-mode
Device and method for monitoring a light-emitting device
Device and method for tuning the wavelength of the light in...
Device for a power laser
Device for amplifying a laser pulse delivered by a laser...
Device for controlling the frequency of a laser beam
Device for equalizing gas pressures
Device for holding a cylindrical laser tube in a stable...
Device for improving the homogeneity of a laser beam
Device for measuring the gain variations of a laser...