Means and method for increasing performance of...
Measuring transducer for conversion of variable voltage into...
Mesfet device surface-wave-device channel selector
Method and apparatus for computing sir of time varying...
Method and apparatus for conversion of radio frequency (rf)...
Method and apparatus for converting a wideband if signal to...
Method and apparatus for decoding a quadrature modulated signal
Method and apparatus for determining the change in frequency...
Method and apparatus for high-frequency mixing and...
Method and apparatus for multiplexing and delaying normal...
Method and apparatus for parallel midamble cancellation
Method and apparatus for performing channel assessment in a...
Method and apparatus for preprocessing and demodulating...
Method and arrangement for frequency conversion
Method and circuitry for carrier recovery for time division...
Method and circuitry for determining symbol timing for time...
Method and device for coherent demodulation of a digitally...
Method and device for determining the phase intercept in a...
Method and device for driving non-linear threshold devices
Method and device for use with phase modulated signals