Enhanced selection of genetically modified pine embryogenic...
Enhancement of biomass and productivity in grasses
Enhancing expression of value-added genes by transgenic...
Enhancing germination of plant somatic embryos by priming
Fertility restorer gene for "polima" cytoplasmic male sterility
Flower pigmentation in pelargonium hortorum
Flowering time modification
Fluidics-based orientation and sorting device for plant embryos
Forward breeding
Fruits of the genus capsicum with improved taste and...
Fungal resistant transgenic plants
Fungus resistant transgenic plants
Fusarium resistant tetraploid wheat
Generation of plants with altered oil content
Generation of plants with altered oil content
Generation of plants with altered oil content
Generation of plants with altered oil content
Genetic basis for improved milling performance
Genetic loci associated with mechanical stalk strength in maize
Genetic loci associated with northern leaf blight resistance...