Mastitis prevention
Material for forming a multi-level antimicrobial surface...
Material for preserving wood and its use
Materials and methods for control of pests
Materials and methods for controlling nematodes
Materials and methods for hypothermic collection of whole blood
Matrix for release of active ingredients
Maturation inhibitors for harvested produce
Maturation or ripening inhibitor release from polymer,...
Means for fumigating with pesticidal compounds
Means for prolonging the life of cut flowers
Means for protecting technical materials
Medical application for heparin and related molecules
Medium chain peroxycarboxylic acid compositions
Medium for conservation of organs, biological tissues or...
Medium for storing blood platelets
Mehod for inhibiting listeria monocytogenes using a bacteriocin
Melt processing of phosphoroamido(di)thioate insecticides
Menthol propyleneglycol-carbonate and analogs thereof as...
Mesotrione formulations