Device for acupuncture therapy
Device for applying a high frequency electromagnetic field...
Device for biostimulation of tissue and method for treatment...
Device for causing protons to migrate out of electrolytical...
Device for combined cardiac pacing and defibrillation
Device for controlling functional state of central nervous...
Device for controlling the electric charge on stimulation...
Device for cosmetic and relaxation treatment
Device for delivering medicines by transpalpebral...
Device for detecting retrograde conduction
Device for determining the pacing modality of an artificial...
Device for distal protection and treatment of blood vessels
Device for distributing power between cathodes of a...
Device for effecting radiation therapy in an animal body
Device for electrically anaesthetizing tooth during dental...
Device for electromagnetic treatment of living tissue
Device for enhanced delivery of biologically active...
Device for enhancing transdermal agent delivery or sampling
Device for external treatment of the oral cavity by means of...
Device for external treatment with pulsating light of high...