Steerable catheter and method for locating coronary sinus
Stepped-gap achromatic bending magnet
Stereotactic radiotreatment and prevention of restenosis
Steroid eluting cuff electrode for peripheral nerve stimulation
Steroid eluting intramuscular lead
Steroid eluting intramuscular lead
Steroid eluting stitch-in chronic cardiac lead
Stimulating electrode system
Stimulation device adapted to maintain intensity output...
Stimulation device for osteosynthesis and endoprosthetics
Stimulation electrode and its use
Stimulation for delivery of molecular therapy
Stimulation leads, delivery systems and methods of use
Stimulation method for the dural venous sinuses and adjacent...
Stimulation method for the sphenopalatine ganglia,...
Stimulation of cauda-equina spinal nerves
Stimulation of cell growth at implant surfaces
Stimulation of central nervous system
Stimulation of muscles
Stimulation of neural tissue with light