D.t.w.g. - disposal of toxic waste and garbage
Damper blade actuating mechanism
Deactivation of toxic chemical agents
Decomposition of halogenated organic compounds using a...
Decompression and toxic fume protection apparatus
Decontamination formulations
Decontamination of soil containing chlorinated aromatics
Decorative support panel
Deep diving breathing systems
Deep oxidation of halogenated organics with porous...
Degradation of biodegradable polyester amides with enzymes
Degradation of cyclic nitramines
Delayed restraint release device for inflatable escape slides
Delivery conduit for a breathing equipment
Delivery of fire-extinguishing material by a pressure gas...
Demand inhalation valve system
Demand inhalator
Demand oxygen controller and respiratory monitor
Demand pressure regulator
Demand regulator for breathing apparatus