Device for conducting biochemical and microbiological reactions
Device for dispensing a liquid or a cream in small-volume...
Device for displacement of small liquid volumes along a...
Device for evaporation and condensation in confined environment
Device for handling drops for biochemical analysis, method...
Device for handling liquid samples
Device for heat-dependent chain amplification of target...
Device for heating a container
Device for implementing an analysis pack, analysis pack and...
Device for mixing test reagents comprising rotating test...
Device for polymerase chain reactions
Device for presenting receptacles
Device for rapid dna sample processing with integrated...
Device for rapid dna sample processing with integrated...
Device for removing and depositing droplets of at least one...
Device for taking up and discharging a defined amount of liquid
Device for the actively-controlled and localised deposition...
Device for the capillary transport of liquid
Device for the intake or manipulation of a liquid
Device for thermal cycling