Method to isolate macromolecules using magnetically...
Method to lower fly-ash resistivity
Methods and apparatus for making continuous magnetic...
Methods and apparatus for separating particles using a...
Methods and apparatus for the selection and/or processing of...
Methods and apparatuses for purifying carbon filamentary...
Methods of analysis/separation
Methods of increasing flotation rate
Methods of producing improved cleaning abrasives for...
Methods of removing water from concentrates of oil shales...
Methods of separating feed materials using a magnetic roll...
Methods of upgrading alumina-bearing materials
Methods, systems, and devices for separating materials using...
Methyl isobutyl carbinol mixture and methods of using the same
Micro column system
Microbubble flotation apparatus with recycle
Microbubble flotation process for the separation of bitumen...
Mineral beneficiation by froth flotation: use of alcohol...
Mineral collector compositions of fatty hydroxamic acid in...
Mineral flotation and separation process