Processing nickel bearing sulphides
Processing of bituminous sands
Processing of ores
Processing of viscous oil emulsions
Processing rich ores using magnetic particles
Production of high purity fluorspar and barite concentrates...
Production of hydro-carbons
Production of hydrocarbons from shale
Promoter for phosphate flotation
Promotors for froth flotation of coal
Protective triggering of thyristors of a pulse generator
Protector tube for high voltage suspension insulators of an...
Pulsed electrostatic precipitator
Pulsed purging of carousel-type magnetic separators
Pump cell screening
Purge gas conditioning of high intensity ionization system...
Purification of calcite group minerals through flottation of...
Purification of ilmenite ore by oxidizing roasting with pre-...
Purification process for bitumen froth