Tag for labelling an article cast from molten material,...
Tantalum and tantalum nitride powder mixtures for...
Tantalum powder process
Tap spout for metallurgical vessels
Tapered mold liner facing
Tapping and pouring system for molten metals
Tapping spout for metallurgical vessels
Tapping trough, slag sweeper or skimmer
Teapot ladles and refractory tubes for use therein
Techniques for infiltration of a powder metal skeleton by a...
Teeming apparatus and method
Tellurium steel article and method for producing same
Temper resistant, chromium-containing titanium carbide tool...
Temperature controlled mold
Temperature controlling inserts for ingot molds
Temperature measurement in a chill mold by a fiber optic...
Temperature-controlled laser sintering
Temperature-measuring slab mould
Textured substrate and method for the direct, continuous...
The determination of the carbon equivalent in structure...