Device for dividing a strand into slabs
Device for dividing a strand into slabs
Device for drilling and for removing material using a laser...
Device for electrical resistance welding of long pinched seams
Device for fixing especially surface-like workpieces having...
Device for guiding and transfering at least two sheet metal...
Device for hanging a manually controlled station for welding...
Device for heating an annular surface zone of a threadlike...
Device for igniting an alumino-thermal composition, crucible...
Device for internally butt-welding pipes
Device for joining ferritic stainless steel tubing to a...
Device for laser welding motor-vehicle bodies
Device for machining parts using a laser beam
Device for making emergency exits in a crushed transport means
Device for making surgical incisions with combined thermal...
Device for material machining using electromagnetic or...
Device for module feeding of electrode wire at long distances
Device for planetary electrode wire feeding with automatic...
Device for plasma incision of matter with a specifically...
Device for protecting optical means from contaminated gases