Painter's canvas including an agent capable of trapping...
Partially crystallizable glass compositions
Partially crystallizable glass compositions
Partially crystallizing ceramic enamel composition...
Partially crystallizing enamel containing crystalline zinc...
Partially crystallizing lead-free enamel composition for...
Pearlescent lamp
Pellets for se encapsulation
Peraluminous nepheline/kalsilite glass-ceramics
Ph electrode glass compositions
Phase separable glasses containing b2o3 and sio2
Phosphate glasses for glass molds
Phosphorous polymers
Phosphorus-silicate fibers suitable for extended band...
Photo electrodes
Photo-induced hydrophilic article and method of making same
Photoactive coating, coated article, and method of making same
Photocatalytic coatings having improved low-maintenance...
Photocatalytic window and method of making same
Photocatalytically-activated self-cleaning appliances