A bushing assembly for producing fibers from molten mineral...
A bushing including a terminal ear and a method of...
A bushing tip plate support assembly for a bushing in a...
A coating composition for a mould
A device and method for forming a coating by pyrolysis
A device and method for forming a pyrolytic coating
A fiber glass composition
A fibrous sound absorbing mass able to be biologically degraded
A glass composition
A glass composition
A glass composition
A low emissivity film
A medical device and its use
A method and apparatus for producing fibers
A method for etching the surface of a bioactive glass
A method for melting and/or burning-in layers of ceramic paints
A method for producing a glass body
A method for the interior metal-coating of glass tubes,...
A method of coating the surface of an inorganic substrate...
A method of fabricating rare earth doped optical fibre