Tertiaryaminoalkyl-hydroxyalkyl ethers of polygalactomannans
The alginate having low molecular weight, methods of...
The manufacture of and uses for low molecular weight agars...
Therapeutic composition from sugar cane and therapeutic uses...
Therapeutical composition
Thermally immobilized polysaccharide derivatives
Thermally inhibited polysaccharides and process of preparing
Thermally inhibited starches and flours and process for...
Thermally-inhibited granular starches and flours and process...
Thermally-inhibited pregelatinized granular starches and...
Thermally-inhibited pregelatinized non-granular starches and...
Thermoplastic biodegradable polysaccharide derivatives,...
Thermoplastic material consisting of aliphatic carbamic acid...
Thermoplastic processable starch or starch derivative...
Thick-thin retort starch
Thin-thick retort starch derivatives
Thin-thick tapioca starch derivative for acid retort media
Thin-thick waxy maize based starch derivative for acid and...
Thinning of granular starch
Thiol-modified macromolecule derivatives and cross-linked...