Water-dispersible urethane polymers and aqueous polymer...
Water-dispersible, electrolyte-stable...
Water-dissipatable polyester and polyester-amides containing...
Water-dissipatable polyester resins and coatings prepared...
Water-dissipatable polyesters and amides containing near...
Water-emulsifiable polyisocyanates
Water-emulsifiable polyisocyanates
Water-hardening polymer preparation
Water-insoluble melamine-formaldehyde resins
Water-insoluble phenol-formaldehyde-polyamines, method for...
Water-insoluble preparations of peptide materials, their...
Water-insoluble preparations of peptide materials, their...
Water-insoluble thermosetting compositions of matter and...
Water-reduced urethane coating compositions
Water-reducible polyester resins and urethane coatings...
Water-reducible urethane oligomers
Water-repellent resistant, abrasion resistant coatings
Water-resistant alkaline corrugating adhesive composition
Water-soluble air-drying alkyd resins, process for their...
Water-soluble alkyd resins and a process for their preparation