Highly water soluble disazo dyestuffs
Household dye
Hybrid phthalocyanine derivatives and their uses
Hydrazines of halovinyl aldehydes
Hydrazone compounds, their preparation and use
Hydrophilic, thiol-reactive cyanine dyes and conjugates...
Hydrosoluble monoazoic cationic dyes and process for...
Hydrosoluble trisazoic dyes, mixtures thereof, their...
Hydroxy-and acetoxy-phthalaldehydric acid, o-substituted oximes
Hydroxy-pyridone-monosulfonic acids
Hydroxy-substituted cyanoformazans and their use in...
Hydroxyanthraquinones used for dyeing human keratinic...
Hydroxygallium phthalocyanine and alkoxygallium...